April 3, 2013

Week 6 Love

Cracked. . .

Sometimes love means doing something you don't really want to do, but know you should do. Last week's love act fell somewhere in that general category. But shortly after I got started. . .I knew I had made the right choice. Ladies and gentleman, last week I went to the chiropractor.

Some of you may be thinking, "Big deal. It's just the chiropractor." Oh yes, it was a big deal. There are people close to me that know I have been terrified of chiropractors for as long as I can remember. Mind you, I had never actually been to see one. I was just terrified by the whole concept. Cracking and breaking of bones?! Ok, there's no breaking. But what if they do?! What if I can't relax and my neck actually breaks when they try to crack it? For crying out loud, I have trouble relaxing during a massage! How in the world would I be able to relax enough for a chiropractor to crack my neck? 

Ironically, it started out with a massage. It was a Living Social deal for a one hour massage at a chiropractic office. I bought it with the sole intention of trying to ease myself into becoming comfortable enough with a chiropractor that I would allow one to attempt to adjust me. It worked. I had a pleasant conversation with the chiropractor. Who, surprisingly enough, was able to assure me he would not accidentally break my neck. . .or any other part of my body for that matter. I give him HUGE kudos for accomplishing this. I then had a fantastic massage and scheduled an appointment for an adjustment a few days later.

I almost didn't go back. This is where the tough love comes in. I knew, deep down in my bones (pun intended), that I needed an adjustment. I have probably needed one for years. I was hurting in so many places and my range of movement was becoming more limited in certain aspects. I was tired of it and I knew I needed to face my fear of the chiropractor if I wanted it to get better. And I did want it to get better. This whole 52 week challenge is about healing and loving and caring for myself. So I went.

Can I just say that my chiropractor is an amazing man? He treated me like a scared five year old. Not because he doesn't know how to interact with adults, but because I was ACTING like a scared five year old. I'm not kidding. I had a hard time even laying down on the table. So then I'm there on the table and I start to freak out as he folds me into a pretzel and twists me in half to crack my low back. He laughed and joked with me and told me how good I was doing. . .and then he started moving my neck around. And I said (more like whimpered), "Oh no, you're going to crack my neck." To which he responded, "Yep, and you are going to do great! Just wiggle your fingers and close your eyes" . . .CRACK!! I think I may have said "Holy shit that was loud!" Probably not the response a five year old would have given.

When it was all over I felt great. Sore, but great at the same time. And the next day I felt even better. I've been back for a second adjustment already and I plan to continue on a regular basis. I knew I had made the right choice and I was proud of myself for facing my fear. . .even if I did act like a five year old during my first adjustment. 

How have you loved yourself this week?

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