April 30, 2013

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April 29, 2013

Week 10 Love

You're beautiful. . .

For some reason this past week, I had an intense desire to be beautiful. I don't really know where it came from, but I just REALLY wanted to be beautiful. . .and I didn't feel it at all. It was depressing really. But after moping about it for a day or two, I decided to try to find beauty in myself. And suddenly, there were messages of beauty all over the place! Here are just a few. . .

I follow a blog called The Daily Love. If you haven't checked it out, you should. It's good stuff. And this week, one of the blogs featured the Dove Real Beauty Sketches video. Now, I've seen the video posted on Facebook walls for a couple weeks and kept meaning to watch it, but never got around to it. And then it showed up. . .this week when I desperately needed to feel beautiful. . .on a blog that I read daily. Coincidence? I think not. If you haven't yet watched this video, I'm urging you to watch it now. It is amazing and moving and so very, very true. Here is the link http://realbeautysketches.dove.us/

Watching that video made me feel a little more beautiful (and also made me want to buy every product Dove has ever made to support them!). But it didn't stop there. There were numerous Facebook and Pinterest quotes regarding beauty that popped up this week and spoke to me as well. Especially this one. . . .

Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.
   -Markus Zusak

I was starting to feel even more beautiful as the week went on and as I reminded myself that beauty comes mostly from within. Beauty on the outside has little lasting effect if it has nothing to back it up on the inside. Beauty is not just how you look, it's something that you ARE.

I was feeling much better about myself and my beauty by the end of the week. Saturday night I went out with some friends to celebrate a friend who graduated with his Master's degree. Another friend snapped a picture of the two of us laughing and having fun. I immediately thought to myself, "Oh man, I bet that picture looks terrible. I hate it when people take my picture. They always turn out awful." Wouldn't you know it, when I looked at the picture I saw a beautiful girl smiling back at me. What a pleasant surprise.

How have you loved yourself this week?  

April 21, 2013

Week 9 Love


It rained here over the last week. . . .a lot. So much in fact, that our city and surrounding suburbs are experiencing the worst flooding they've seen in 100 years. I've only seen flooding like this on the world news. . .in other states and countries. Never so close to home. I'm sick of rain, I'm upset about the flooding, and I'm irritated with water in general. So why in the world did I pick this week to start drinking more of it? Coincidence or irony?

Our bodies are 50-70 percent water (give or take). That sort of blows my mind if I really stop to think about it. How am I not sloshing around under my skin like a water balloon? I know I don't drink enough water. And I know that contributes to some of my underlying digestive, skin, mental, and probably a slew of other issues I don't even know about. There are days where I MIGHT drink one 12-16 ounce glass of water. . .total. . .all day. No wonder my body hates me sometimes!

This week I have been working hard to increase the amount of water I'm drinking. I didn't make a specific goal, and I'm not counting the number of ounces I'm drinking. I'm just trying to have water with me at all times and make a conscious effort to take a few sips every now and then. Mind you, I'm not actually thirsty (well, technically my body is probably shriveling up inside) so this is somewhat difficult. The glass will be sitting there next to me, half empty and almost room temperature because I've been nursing it for an hour or more. I'll look at it, sigh, and then tell myself I should just chug the glass because then I won't need to sip again for awhile. I end up forcing myself to drink it while saying "This is good for you. It's going to make you feel better". It's a little ridiculous really, how big a deal I make of it.

It has gotten easier after a few days. I take much bigger swallows of water at a time now and it's easier to do it more often. It's becoming more of a habit to have water on hand and just randomly take drinks of it. And I can tell that my body is starting to hate me a little less now that I am attempting to water it sufficiently. Although, it has also caused a LOT more trips to the bathroom! *sigh* Speaking of which, I need to pee. . .and re fill my water glass.

How have you loved yourself this week?

April 14, 2013

Week 8 Love

My decisions are ok. . .

For those of you that have been following along, you may wonder what happened to Week 7. Yeah, me too. So, here's what happened, I stopped being intentional. I stopped paying attention to myself and how I was treating myself and if I was loving myself. And then when it got around time to blog about Week 7 love, well, I had nothin. And that's when I realized that I need to be intentional about this challenge.

I've made a lot of life changing decisions the last few months. And my opinion on a lot of things has changed. I have friends and family that don't necessarily agree with these decisions and opinions. And that's perfectly ok. After all, we are all entitled to make our own decisions based on whatever factors we choose in helping us to make that decision. And we are all entitled to our own opinion on all matters. What's NOT ok is when I start to second guess my decisions and opinions (or worse yet, make them) based on what other's think. That's how I ended up in the trunk in the first place. If you're wondering what that means, you probably haven't read my first post "Who do you love?".  If you haven't, I urge you to take a minute and do so.

Over the last week or so I have been questioning some of my decisions. Not only that, but I have spent time wondering if I had done or said things differently, or been a different person, if certain situations from my past would have had different outcomes. After I had let myself revert down this destructive (yet all too familiar) path for awhile, I started to analyze what was really happening. And here's what I came up with. . .criticism, blame, and fear. Criticism and blame, of myself for the negative things that have happened to me in my life. . .which ultimately lead to the fear. The fear that I am not capable of of making decisions, having opinions, and living a life on my own that will lead to positive outcomes in my future. 

No one has walked in my shoes. And no one has felt what I feel. I am not naive enough to think that no one has gone through similar situations as mine. Of course they have. Millions of people most likely. But MY shoes, and MY feelings are mine and mine alone. For better or worse, these shoes and feelings contribute to my opinion and decision making. The opinions and advice of friends and family can be contributing factors as well. But that advice comes without them wearing my shoes or having my feelings. If my friends and family could experience those, would their advice be different? Would their decision?

I say all of this to remind myself that no one is more capable of making a decision about my life than I am. And I need to work hard to remember this. I need to love myself and trust myself enough to know that I shouldn't second guess my choices when someone disagrees with them. They may not always be the right choices, but they are mine to make. And I will own them.

How have you loved yourself this week?

April 3, 2013

Week 6 Love

Cracked. . .

Sometimes love means doing something you don't really want to do, but know you should do. Last week's love act fell somewhere in that general category. But shortly after I got started. . .I knew I had made the right choice. Ladies and gentleman, last week I went to the chiropractor.

Some of you may be thinking, "Big deal. It's just the chiropractor." Oh yes, it was a big deal. There are people close to me that know I have been terrified of chiropractors for as long as I can remember. Mind you, I had never actually been to see one. I was just terrified by the whole concept. Cracking and breaking of bones?! Ok, there's no breaking. But what if they do?! What if I can't relax and my neck actually breaks when they try to crack it? For crying out loud, I have trouble relaxing during a massage! How in the world would I be able to relax enough for a chiropractor to crack my neck? 

Ironically, it started out with a massage. It was a Living Social deal for a one hour massage at a chiropractic office. I bought it with the sole intention of trying to ease myself into becoming comfortable enough with a chiropractor that I would allow one to attempt to adjust me. It worked. I had a pleasant conversation with the chiropractor. Who, surprisingly enough, was able to assure me he would not accidentally break my neck. . .or any other part of my body for that matter. I give him HUGE kudos for accomplishing this. I then had a fantastic massage and scheduled an appointment for an adjustment a few days later.

I almost didn't go back. This is where the tough love comes in. I knew, deep down in my bones (pun intended), that I needed an adjustment. I have probably needed one for years. I was hurting in so many places and my range of movement was becoming more limited in certain aspects. I was tired of it and I knew I needed to face my fear of the chiropractor if I wanted it to get better. And I did want it to get better. This whole 52 week challenge is about healing and loving and caring for myself. So I went.

Can I just say that my chiropractor is an amazing man? He treated me like a scared five year old. Not because he doesn't know how to interact with adults, but because I was ACTING like a scared five year old. I'm not kidding. I had a hard time even laying down on the table. So then I'm there on the table and I start to freak out as he folds me into a pretzel and twists me in half to crack my low back. He laughed and joked with me and told me how good I was doing. . .and then he started moving my neck around. And I said (more like whimpered), "Oh no, you're going to crack my neck." To which he responded, "Yep, and you are going to do great! Just wiggle your fingers and close your eyes" . . .CRACK!! I think I may have said "Holy shit that was loud!" Probably not the response a five year old would have given.

When it was all over I felt great. Sore, but great at the same time. And the next day I felt even better. I've been back for a second adjustment already and I plan to continue on a regular basis. I knew I had made the right choice and I was proud of myself for facing my fear. . .even if I did act like a five year old during my first adjustment. 

How have you loved yourself this week?