Take a break. . .
This week's post follows on the heels of the last one when I talked about knowing your worth and pushing your limits. This past week I took a break. . .and went on vacation. Granted, I didn't actually go anywhere or do anything out of the ordinary. But I'll tell you what I DIDN'T do, and that's go to work. And in my mind, anytime I'm not at work that's vacation enough.
This vacation wasn't planned. In fact, it was very last minute. And probably the much needed result of being pushed to my limit. Sometimes you need to just step back, take a break, and recharge your batteries. I think a spur of the moment vacation is just the thing to do that.
Sometimes when we plan a vacation in advance we jam pack it with things to do, places to go, and people to see. It's often after those types of vacations that I feel like I need another vacation! So last week it was nice to have a few days where I really had no plans. When you have no plans, responsibilities, or tasks for a day the day suddenly becomes full of possibilities. You can choose to do absolutely anything that you feel like doing that day. It's a good way to explore what really makes you happy and what you really love to do. After all, you aren't going to work and you have no other errands that must be completed. So obviously whatever you choose to do is going to be something that you enjoy. I'll admit, sometimes what I want to do most is spend the entire day in my pajamas on the couch watching TV between naps. But that usually means I need some serious recharging before I can even choose to do something enjoyable.
So go ahead. Take a break. And remind yourself, or maybe figure out for the first time ever, how you would spend your days if you didn't have to work and had no responsibilities. Who knows, this may be the first step to turning what you find you love to do INTO your work and responsibilities!
How have you loved yourself this week?
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