We buried my grandmother today. There's something about seeing your father break (even if just for a moment) over the loss of his mother that leaves a scar on your heart unlike any other hurt you'll ever experience. The last two days have been emotionally and physically exhausting.
All I have in me to say right now is this. . .love every minute of it. Life is short. And whether or not you choose to acknowledge it, your days are numbered. Your number may be 85 like my grandmother's. It could be 62, perhaps 29. Your number might even be today. Are you loving every minute of it?
Now I know you can't actually love every minute of it. Some minutes are hard, like laying a loved one to rest. And some minutes are just obnoxious, like mowing the lawn. I don't love either of those minutes. But I have to look at them in relation to the life path that I am on. Am I loving this path? Are there enough minutes I love on this path to outweigh the hard and obnoxious minutes? If not, something is most definitely wrong. And I think that's something we all need to assess in our life on a regular basis.
As we recounted the life of my grandmother today, it helped reaffirm the importance of the assessment I am doing of my own life. For me, this blog has been key in helping me to assess the minutes on my path. It has empowered me to change my path in an attempt to restore the balance of hard/obnoxious and amazingly loved minutes in my life.
Because let's face it, if you aren't loving every minute of it, are you really even living?
In memory of
Esther Gertrude Marsh
July 18, 1927 - May 24, 2013